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Reason for Islamic Revolution: Iran was ruled by the Pahlavi, since the 1950s The Shah's rule was characterized by modernization efforts, Westernization, and growing economic inequality. These factors generated discontent among various segments of the population, including religious and leftist groups.

Fall of Monarchy
In year 1979 Islamic Revolution led by Ayatollah Ruhollah khomeini, led Iranian people to overthrow of the Shah's monarchy and the overwhelming in Transforming Iran led establishment of a Islamic Republic. 

The significant effects on world geopolitics:

1.Regional Power Shift: Iran transitioned from a close ally of the west to an anti-western nation. This shift impacted the balance of power in Middle East, creating tensions with neighboring countries and changing alliances.

2.Oil Market Influence: Iran's role as a major oil producer and exporter allowed it to exert influence on global oil prices and supply. Geopolitical tensions in the region, such as conflicts with Iraq. affected oil markets and energy security.

3.US-Iran Relations: The revolution strained relations between Iran and United states, culminating in the Iran Hostage Crisis, where American diplomats were held captive for 444 days. This event significantly damaged diplomatic ties between the two countries.

4.Spread of Political Islam: Iran's revolutionary Inspired Islamist movements in other Muslims-majority countries, fostering a wave of political Islam and contributing to the spread of ideologies.  

5.Support for Proxy Groups: Iran's revolutionary government supported various proxy groups across the Middle East, which amplified regional conflicts and further polarized geopolitics. 

6.Emergency of Hezbollah: Iran's support for Hezbollah in Lebanon increased the group's influence in the region and played a role in shaping events like the Lebanese Civil War and subsequent conflicts. 

7.Nuclear Program Concerns: Iran's pursuit of nuclear capabilities raised concerns in west and they think of nuclear proliferation and led international efforts to curb its nuclear program through diplomatic means and sanctions.

8.Sectarian TensionsThe revolution intensified Sunni-Shia tensions, with Iran championing Shia Islam and thus fueling sectarian rivalries that continue to shape conflicts across the Middle East.  

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