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 The situation in Balochistan  is complex involving historical, political, and socio-economic factors. The region has seen tension between Balochi nationalists and Pakistani Government.

Key points of conflict between people and government:

1.Autonomy Struggles: Balochistan is a resource-rich-province in Pakistan, but it has a history of feeling marginalized in terms of economic development and political representation. Balochi nationalists have been demanding greater autonomy and control over their resources.

2.Armed Conflict: There have been sporadic insurgencies and conflicts in Balochistan over years. Some Balochi nationalist groups have taken up arms to fight for greater autonomy or even independence from Pakistan.

3.Human Rights Concerns: Human rights organizations have raised concerns about alleged human rights abuses in Balochistan, including forced disappearances, torture, and extrajudicial killings. These allegations have been directed at both Balochi insurgent groups and Pakistani security forces.

4.Resource Exploitation: The province is rich in natural resources like natural gas, minerals, and oil. Balochi nationalists claim that the central government disproportionately benefits from these resources, while local communities suffer from underdevelopment.

5.Infrastructure Projects: The Pakistani government has undertaken infrastructure projects in Balochistan, such as China-Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC), Which aims to improve connectivity and trade between China and Pakistan. However, some Balochi nationalists view these projects as benefiting outsiders more than the local population.

6.Media and Access Restrictions: The situation in Balochistan is often challenging to cover due to restrictions on media access. This can make it difficult to get accurate and comprehensive information about events in the region.

The cases been reported for Human rights violation in Balochistan:

1.Mama Qadeer Baloch: Mama Qadeer Baloch is a prominent Baloch human rights activist. He gained international attention for his efforts to raise awareness about forced disappearances and human rights abuses in Balochistan. His own son was among those who disappeared.

2.Koh-e-Suleman incident: In 2005, the killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti, a prominent Baluchi nationalist leader, in a military operation led to widespread protests and clashes in Balochistan.

3.Journalist Siddiq Eido: In 2010, Journalist Siddiq Eido was found dead in khuzdar, Balochistan. He had reportedly been abducted and tortured before his death. Eido was known for reporting on human rights abuses and Balochi nationalist issues.

4.Balochistan University incident: In 2016, a student leader named Shabir Baloch was allegedly killed by security forces during a protest at Balochistan University. This incident sparked outrage and protests.

6.Gwadar Protests: In 2018, there were protests in Gwadar against the establishment of a naval base and the forced eviction of local fishermen. The  protests were met with a heavy-handed response from security forces.

Conclusion: Initiating meaningful and inclusive dialogues between Balochi nationalist groups and Pakistani state, proper Political representation for Balochistan within the framework of Pakistani state. This can help to solve the problem and save the normal civilians from Poverty and Hunger.   



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